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 About the NTEU Murdoch Branch 

You can find the NTEU Murdoch Branch on the South Street Campus

NTEU Murdoch Branch, Murdoch University
ECL 460.3.025
 South Street Campus
Murdoch WA 6150, Noongar Boodjar
p: 08 9360 2922

Your organiser is: Stuart Venables
NTEU Murdoch Branch Committee

Branch President: Dr Joseph Indaimo

Vice President Academic: currently vacant

Vice President Professional: Ian McKernan

Secretary: Dr Jon Prince

Committee Member: Claire Fletcher

Committee Member: Dr Lydia Wells

Branch Organiser: Stuart Venables

Looking for help with an issue at work? 
Read through our helpful guide on the best way to get the support you need.
Your Murdoch Workplace Representatives (WPRs)
David Gerard - Building 235 (Loneragan Building)
Marcos Carot - Building 460


Workplace Reps (WPRs) are the first point of contact for members with questions about their working conditions. They are also the face of the union, providing members with the latest information about campaigns such as enterprise bargaining, and informing the NTEU Branch of any problems arising in the area.


Workplace Reps welcome new staff to the workplace, explain the role of the NTEU, support members with problems, and encourage new staff to join. They put up union posters, distribute union materials and contribute to Branch bulletins. WPRs receive training from NTEU and ongoing support and development opportunities.

If there is no WPR in your work area, think about becoming one and get in contact with your Murdoch Branch Organiser, or fill in this form

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