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 Curtin Branch: About us 

You can find the NTEU Curtin Branch Office on the Bentley campus:


Room 103, Building 106
Bentley WA 6102
Noongar Boodjar
p: 08 9266 7145

Contact your Curtin organiser here:
​Looking for help with an issue at work?
Read through our helpful guide on the best way to get the support you need.

NTEU Curtin Branch Committee

Branch President: Scott Fitzgerald

Vice President (Academic Staff): Ryan Mead-Hunter

Vice President (Professional Staff): Sian Flynne

Branch Secretary: John Brown

Branch Committee Members: 

Bernadette Bradley (Health and Safety)
Jacqueline Boaks (Business and Law)
Shayna Boyce (Business and Law)
​Phil Chilton (Casuals Representative)
Johannes Herrmann (EECMS: Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences)
​Max Jackson (Indigenous Representative)
​Sandra Martain (Business and Law)
Kelly Nowak (Business and Law)

Ben Rich (MCASI: Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry)
Benjamin Sacks (Business and Law)


Your Curtin Workplace Representatives (WPRs)


Workplace Reps (WPRs) are the first point of contact for members with questions about their working conditions. They are also the face of the union, providing members with the latest information about campaigns such as enterprise bargaining, and informing the NTEU Branch of any problems arising in the area.


Workplace Reps welcome new staff to the workplace, explain the role of the NTEU, support members with problems, and encourage new staff to join. They put up union posters, distribute union materials and contribute to Branch bulletins. WPRs receive training from NTEU and ongoing support and development opportunities.

If there is no WPR in your work area, think about becoming one and get in contact with your Curtin Branch Organiser, to talk about how you can help the union and your workmates. Or fill in this form

Business and Law

Graham Ferguson

CCDM: Centre for Crop and Disease Management

Johannes Debler 

Curtin Medical School

Giuseppe Luna


DBE: Design and Built Environment
Courtney Babb  
Raja Sundra

Paul Gardner  

EECMS: Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Johannes Herrman

Iain Murray

Facilities and Maintenance

Brad McMurray

Health Sciences
Joanne Hawkins  

John Brown

Natalie Woolaston 

MCASI: Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry
Phil Chilton

Katie Fielding

Ben Rich

NDRI: National Drug Research Institute

Joanne Hawkins  

Patricia Garcia De Niklasson

If you are a Curtin staff member and not yet a member of the NTEU, we urge you to join your union to have the advice, support and benefits you receive as a union member.

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