NTEU WA Casuals Network
NTEU Time Tracker Launch
The launch meeting of the Casuals Network which took place on Monday 4 December included a robust discussion on the purpose of the group and launched the NTEU WA Marking Time Tracker, a custom-built tool to assist in keeping accurate records around time worked.
While still in its testing phase, the beta-version of the Tracker can be downloaded through the links below to allow you to get an idea of its functionality. Each branch has a Tracker tailored to their pay rates and marking clauses as per their current Agreements.
We'd appreciate if you could download the Tracker and send through any feedback around ease of use, detail any glitches you come across and provide suggestions to wa@nteu.org.au
Please read through the following instructions in order to download the Tracker.
NTEU WA Marking Time Trackers (Beta version)
Quick instructions on how to download and save the Tracker.
Click on your Branch icon below to download the Tracker tailored for your university.
The Tracker will open in a browser window but as it is a macro-enabled Excel workbook, must then be opened in your desktop Excel app to use its time tracking functions.
Once it is opened in the app, please 'Enable Macros' when prompted. It is also recommended that you save it to your local drive, using 'Save As' to rename it, and making sure to save it as an .xlsm file.