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Curtin Branch Contacts
NTEU Curtin Office Location​
Room 103, Building 106
Bentley WA 6102, Noongar Boodjar
p: 08 9266 7145
Branch Contacts​​
Main Curtin Organiser: Francis Russell
Branch President: Ryan Mead-Hunter
Vice President (Academic Staff): Sandra Martain
Vice President (Professional Staff): Sian Flynne
Branch Secretary: John Brown
Branch Committee Members:
Jacqueline Boaks
Shayna Boyce
Bernadette Bradley
Philip Chilton (Casuals representative)
Brett Cullen
Johannes Herrmann
Maxwell Jackson (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representative)
Barbara Whelan
If you are a Curtin staff member and not yet a member of the NTEU, we urge you to join your union to have the advice, support and benefits you receive as a union member.
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