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Work health and safety resources 

Whether you're the HSR in your workplace or have an interest in the issues of safety in the workplace, here's a list of resources for you.

If you have suggestions for additional links, please contact us.

The NTEU WA branches have been partnering with UnionsWA to deliver a session to all tertiary staff on the changes and additions to the WA Code of Practice.

Confronting Unsafe Workloads and Psychosocial Work Hazards at Universities with presenters:


  • Owen Whittle, Secretary, UnionsWA

  • Julia Armitt, Unity Training

  • and representatives from the hosting Branch committee


If you would like to be informed when the session will run again, please contact us.


Presented at the UnionsWA WHS Conference, these slides showcase the work of the WA Division in HSR, including the strategy for Murdoch University's Animal Hospital and ongoing projects in 2024.

Unity Training has kindly provided the following resources:


 A good resource is to research your university’s own internal WHS Policies and Procedures 




Union resources:
Other resources:
WorkSafe resources for HSRs:

Please note: HSRs now have a choice of training provider. Even if training is being arranged/recommended by your PCBUs, HSRs can still elect to attend a course with any RTO they wish with all reasonable expenses to be covered. HSRs also have the right to request yearly refresher training.

List of all WA RTOs approved to deliver formal safety training including Unity Training co-located within UnionsWA (sign up for UnionsWA's Safety newsletter)


If you have any questions or concerns regarding information covered here -  or have a question that isn't, please contact your Branch office.

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