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What is actually in senior management's offer?

Senior management's consultation with staff through the New Agreement Roadshow Project delayed bargaining for almost a year. Their offer does little to address in any meaningful way the issues you said were the most important to you. Now that you've voted NO! members are undertaking protected industrial action in order to keep the pressure on.

Despite "insecure work" being identified by Curtin staff as one of the most important issues to them, there is very little in this offer that will reassure casual staff that they are a priority of senior management.

We need to get back to bargaining to ensure casuals and others in insecure work receive the remuneration, respect and consideration that they deserve.

According to the results of the New Agreement Roadshow Project that senior management commissioned and approved, these are the five areas of most concern to Curtin staff. The offer that senior management expects staff to ratify falls short of properly addressing these issues.

We've compared the results of the Roadshow against senior management's eventual offer and then to the Log of Claims the NTEU Curtin Branch presented to the VC at the commencement of bargaining. It's fascinating reading and further evidence of why we need to fight harder for what we deserve!

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We know you need a pay rise that will tackle soaring inflation given that inflation is currently at 8.3% in WA.

The Reserve Bank of Australia predicts that inflation will outpace this pay rise every year of the proposed agreement.

Senior management's offer is 2.2%pa over FIVE YEARS - that's a real pay CUT.

The NTEU Curtin Branch is proposing 15% over a three year agreement. This is a fair offer.

VOTE NO so that your union can keep working towards a 15% pay offer by December 2024.



Use this tool to see the real difference between senior management's offer and that presented in the NTEU Curtin Branch Log of Claims. Clicking the button will open an Excel spreadsheet that you can save to your own device. This ensures that none of your confidential data is stored on this website.


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It's time to talk about casuals...

Despite "insecure work" being identified by Curtin staff as one of the most important issues to them, there is very little in this offer that will reassure casual staff that they are a priority of senior management. 

There's a growing list of evidence showing that senior management do not respect nor do they value the incredible work done by our casual colleagues:

  • Scheduling this ballot at a time when most casuals would be ineligible to vote.

  • Making an offer contains little to address the bulk of issues around casuals' insecure work in any real way.

  • Excluding our most vulnerable staff members from receiving the $1000 "bogus bonus" - if senior management is handing out cash, why not to the members of our community that might need it the most?

Remember these points and VOTE NO!

We need to get back to bargaining to ensure casuals and others in insecure work receive the remuneration, respect and consideration that they deserve.

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the country on which we live and work, and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to their Elders past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We also acknowledge that this land was stolen, that a treaty or agreement for use of these lands is yet to be negotiated, and that a process of truth-telling is long overdue. As a union, NTEU commits to walking in solidarity to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in their struggles for justice, reparations and compensation.

©2023 National Tertiary Education Union of Australia

Authorised by Dr Catherine Moore, Division Secretary

NTEU WA Division
Level 3/27 Railway Road Subiaco WA 6008

Noongar Boodjar

p: 0447 300 668  |  e:  |  w:
Visit the NTEU National website for more information about the union for tertiary sector workers

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